Tuesday, February 22, 2005
I'm back again
Well I'm back from a short little trip in Vegas, and I'm back in the running mode again. Saturday was the 5k time trial, which I ended up running in 24:40. I think I'll be grouped with the fastest people in the team. I felt really sluggish on Saturday but still managed to put in a reasonably good time. I can only get better from here on out.
Today I did a nice refreshing 6 mile run. It was very nice to get back to running after a short hiatus. I felt like I had energy left over today, so at lunch I played basketball and then later that night I did some weights. I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight. Well that's all for now. I hope everyone had a great President's Day weekend!
Today I did a nice refreshing 6 mile run. It was very nice to get back to running after a short hiatus. I felt like I had energy left over today, so at lunch I played basketball and then later that night I did some weights. I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight. Well that's all for now. I hope everyone had a great President's Day weekend!
Friday, February 18, 2005
I like the rain
Well I didn't end up running on Wednesday but instead I did some ab exercises after some leg exercises. I killed my abs, and I'm still pretty sore today a couple of days after. Yesterday, we had another training session but there was rain so the session was cut short a bit. We ended up running and doing certain exercises to increase our flexibility after that we ran for about 25 minutes doing intervals on the track. On the straighaways we'd run at a pretty fast pace, while on the turns we'd bring it back a notch. I love doing intervals. My legs are a bit sore, but I'll be ready for the 5k time trial tomorrow at Stanford. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Hello Again!
Well I was pretty tired after my run on Sunday and ended up going back to sleep after I came home and took a shower. On Monday I played basketball with my coworkers and then later that day I did some weightlifting. I focused on my back and shoulders this time. Tuesday was our buddy run, but I wasn't sure if anyone was going to show up because it was raining. I went anyway and most of the mentors were there, and a couple of participants also. The rain wasn't so bad at the beginning of the run, but towards the end the rain was coming down in buckets. I was totally soaked by the end of the 6 miles that we did that morning. To mitigate at least some of the overt wetness, I purchased a hat. I'm debating about whether or not I should buy a waterproof jacket as well. I don't much care if my body becomes wet as long as I stay warm. I also did more weightlifting yesterday this time focusing on chest and a different part of the shoulders.
Today, I might work my core, meaning I'll do ab exercises, or I might run. I really liked running in the rain yesterday, so if it rains again today I'll be out there without hesitation, with my new hat of course.
I've been sore in one particular area the past few days:
Tensor Fasciae Latae
The soreness has reached a point where it's hard for me to walk sometimes, so I'm constantly stretching that area of my body. Hopefully the soreness will dissipate with the next few days. Thankfully I'm a pretty fast healer.
Edit: changed muscle that was hurting.
Today, I might work my core, meaning I'll do ab exercises, or I might run. I really liked running in the rain yesterday, so if it rains again today I'll be out there without hesitation, with my new hat of course.
I've been sore in one particular area the past few days:
Tensor Fasciae Latae
The soreness has reached a point where it's hard for me to walk sometimes, so I'm constantly stretching that area of my body. Hopefully the soreness will dissipate with the next few days. Thankfully I'm a pretty fast healer.
Edit: changed muscle that was hurting.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
And he's coming down the final stretch!
I ran 8 miles today. I'm somewhat sore, but I'll recover soon enough. I've discovered I have a pretty good finishing kick, meaning that I pick up speed on the last few miles. I guess I have extra energy reserves that I can rely upon. I still don't know what my limit is yet, but hopefully it's way past 26 miles.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Where'd I go?
Oops, I didn't update my blog yesterday. Well I played basketball again with my coworkers. We ended up playing 3 on 2, and I was on the 3 man team. We actually played on game of full court basketball with 5 players, which was rather interesting because we all did a lot of running. On Thursday I went to the first coach's training, which was also rather interesting. We did a lot of exercises that focused on movement and strengthening certain muscles that are used in running. It was actually quite an easy workout for me. Today I did some weight work on my triceps and quads, just to keep my muscle mass. Tomorrow is another run with the team, and I'm hoping to do the 8 mile run. This will be the farthest I have ever run. I'm looking forward to it!
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Getting back on track
Lately I've been a bit lax in my diet. I'm usually very conscientious about what I eat. However, because I've been so busy lately with training and fundraising, I haven't had the time to prepare my meals for the week. I usually cook for myself, so I don't end up buying food that isn't necessarily good for me. Hopefully this weekend I can readjust my schedule to accomodate my other activities, so I can get back to eating better.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
I updated the "He's on fire" post to include links to the muscles to which I am refering. I don't have this knowledge just floating around in my head.
He's on fire!
I'll be playing basketball today to work some cardio into my routine. Later after work I'll do some leg exercises focusing on the hip abductors and adductors, along with my calves, and tibialis anterior. Strengthening up my ab/ad-ductors will allow me to minimize any soreness that might occur from running.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Mornings are cool
I woke up at 5am this morning to go for a run with some of the people with whom I am training. I did 6 miles again, but at a much slower pace. I ran with a guy named Andy who is also doing TNT for the first time ever. I found running with someone is quite different than how I normally run because I usually run alone. I'm not really a good running-talker hence the reason for me running alone. However, it was nice having someone there to keep me company. We talked a bit about our runs and other things. A cool experience. Again I was all hyped up after my run.
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Captain's Log. Stardate...wait stars can get dates? Damn.
Well I'm going to do some weights today, but no cardio just to stay off my bad leg. I should be back to somewhat normal by tomorrow.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
I just did a 6 mile run, and I was probably the 5 or 6th person to finish out of our running group! I'm so happy! Not only do I want to run this marathon, I want to do it well. My lower left leg is still a bit sore, so I'm going to take the next couple of days off to rest up. I'm hyped up on adrenaline right now!
Friday, February 04, 2005
Well my lower left leg still hurts a bit. I've put mineral ice on it, and wrapped it up. I'll see if I can run tomorrow. I'll be really disappointed if I can't because I've been looking forward to this run all week. I might plow on regardless.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Well no workout for me tonight. I slightly strained a muscle in my lower leg, so I'm taking a rest tonight. Hopefully I'll be all better for Saturday and the first run.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
My eyes!
I just got back from the gym. I did a shorter run than anticipated because I have other commitments tonight which take priority. I did manage however to run 4 miles in a little under 35 minutes on a treadmill. Hopefully I can increase my speed along with my endurance a bit over the next few months. Near the end of my run, a guy got on to the treadmill beside me and took off his sweater. I caught a whiff of his B.O., and it almost knocked me out. I mean it brought tears to my eyes his stench was so bad. I literally turned my head away from his direction so I didn't have to breathe any of that paint-removing stench.
On the court again
I played basketball today rather than running to change up my routine a bit. I'll hit the treadmill tonight after doing some weights. I'll try to do an hour of solid running tonight.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
What a great day
The weather today is absolutely spectacular. I couldn't help but smile when I ran today because everything was just perfect. The best part of my run today was having a cool breeze flow over me, which then died down just a bit so I could feel the sun warming up my entire body. The feeling is just indescribable. :-D